It seems ironic to me that as much as we as human try to detach from our biologic roots, the more we are actually mammals. I know this probably sounds strange but I'm talking aobut real life here people. For example, my younger sister called me earlier this evening because she's fighting with her beau and feels like he is pulling away. Me being a deep thinker and slightly ridiculous, thought more about it. Men pull away because it's survival and women cling for the exact same reason. Sperm and cheap and eggs are expensive.
Yea, I know, it sounds weird again, but stop and think about it. Sometimes, men seperate themselves from relationships because they are hard wired to move along and procreate and not attach to just one woman because if they did how would we have evolved out of the cave. And of course this coin has another face, women attach because they have to in order to be good well rounded mothers. Its like the reason why scientists say most women can multitask while men struggle. In order for a woman in primitive society to be productive and organize a village, she had to raise children, sew, gather, and cook. Can you imagine a man doing all that? That's what I thought. Even our physical attraction to a person is biologically driven, for example men like big breasted and full through the hips. Why is this? Breast feeding children and childbirth. Just like how woman are drawn to men with strong physiques, it's the same thing, survival of the species.
As much as we try to escape biology and the needs of our body and brain we can't. Just like how after sex a woman's brain releases chemicals telling her to attach and the man's does the opposite. My dad always said when I was growing up that when it comes to sex guys always ask where? while gals are always asking why?
We are constantly trying to decode the opposite sex, when maybe we need to look back through history and seek the root cause...the human body and darwinism.
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