all about me.

my younger sister, my mom, and me

If you are reading this you clearly want to know more about me and even perhaps, this blog...well thank you.  I'm flattered frankly (curtsy).  Two years ago I graduated from college and moved out of the soybean field and into the big, busy city.  My hometown has one stop light and is literally 40 minutes from anything interesting, but nonetheless it's my hometown and I'm proud to have been raised there.  I am very close to my family and cherish the relationship I have with them because I realize how special our bond is.  I am also quite obsessed with my American Pit Bull Terrier, Chloe Mae, yes I am one of those people.  She is basically my child and running companion.

I am discovering myself more everyday and I am really getting in touch with the very core of my being and what I truly want out of life.  This blog is my vehicle to personal sanity, self discovery, and everything in between.